Amazing grace – how sweet the sound . . .

God’s grace truly is amazing. So too are the stories of the lives of real women, including the lives of the women of Sweet Grace! After spending a year in prayer, Kandy and Brenda decided to go forward with God’s dream for our lives – serving women through speaking and writing. After seeking God’s heart, we know that He wants us to serve by reaching out to women providing hope in the midst of life’s trials, showing laughter in life’s craziness, and rejoicing in God’s amazingly sweet grace.

This is a come-as-you-are ministry. We are both small-town girls who love the Lord and who truly love serving others. What will you find at a weekend spent with Sweet Grace? The answer is simple – a place where women can come and enjoy a little time specifically for them. Our heart is to have ladies feel comfortable enough to invite their neighbors, co-workers, friends and family, knowing that each person they invite will come away blessed in some small way.

Our hearts’ desire is not to just come and go, but to build relationships with the women in the churches and organizations that God calls us to visit. Our lives have been transformed by God’s love and gift of friendship. Our fervent wish is for no one to ever feel alone because we know God is present in the darkest moments and in the chaos of daily life. Sometimes, we just all need a reminder to that very true fact.

We really would like to have an opportunity to work with groups in a way that best suits their needs. Just like Jesus’ disciples, we want to “rub elbows” with those He loves.

At the conclusion of any speaking engagement, we want to offer time to simply visit with anyone who has been touched by our speaking. We would like to pray, encourage, hug, or offer whatever is needed for follow-up affirmation. We offer a two-day event featuring a Friday night, “Sweet Grace - Girls Night Out” and a Saturday morning heart transforming time of grace-filled inspiration. However, we never want to be in God’s way; so, we are open to any invitation that He might lay on someone’s heart.

We look forward to getting to know you, and serving in His name!

God does more than hear words; He reads hearts.

Our Daily Bread Devotional